Five years ago, Simon appeared in an indie movie written and directed by a friend of ours, Topher Horman. Finally, we got to see it at a one-time-only screening at the
Tower Theater tonight, so all the glitterati were there.
Corinne and Moira. Corinne plays the barista who says, "It's Mochaccino man!"
Moira and Robert. Robert designed and made cool, authentic-looking labels and graphics.
Here's Simon, his arm candy and his entourage. Si plays "The Heart Attack", manifestation of purest evil. A mere touch from his finger means certain death. In the film, he kills our friend Dolores. Pretty fun to watch Dolores die on screen, finally, watching her rehearse it at dinner parties.
Here's the
trailer. Love the fedora! He was pretty effective as the essence of evil; he even creeped some of his fellow actors out. One time, I was at a shoot where they needed extras (And I appear, for a nanosecond! I'm famous now.) and the kids were getting tired, so I waved to Si, got his attention, and called out to him that I was taking the kids home. That I'd see him later. I overheard one actor say to another, "He's married? Holy shit! Isn't she scared to turn her back on him?"
Off to England first thing in the morning, so I had better get to bed. I'll try to post every couple of days while we're staying with MIL and FIL. They always make for good blog-fodder. Pip pip! Cheerio!
My one line...NAILED IT! Sitting next to Simon in the theater was freaking me out for sure...ok not really. It was fun to watch the movie though!
It was fun to have so many friends participating in a movie and watching everyone at the premier!
BTW, Renee said Yes!
LOL>..loved looking at all the glitterati. It looks like a blast
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