Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chocolate Requires Instructions?

We were sharing a chocolate bar in the office today. Chocolate so fancy it comes with rules of engagement. We followed them to the letter. We did not want to miss out on any subtleties due to crassness or insensitivity. Here are the instructions.

Breathe...Engage your senses. Take three deep breaths, quiet the chattering mind, (Chattering mind? What chattering mind? Who has a chattering mind? Why do they want to quiet my chattering mind? Is this a death panel?) and be in the present moment. (Huh? Oh. Right.)

See... Don't be deceived by the looks of this bar - it's a milk chocolate of a new variety, blended with a bit of dark chocolate and forest green matcha to deepen the flavor and color.

Smell...Take three deep breaths. (Someone asks if two breaths would be OK. She is shouted down.) Rub your thumb on the chocolate to help release the aromas. (This also helps to melt the chocolate, and no permission to lick fingers is granted.) Inhale deeply. (This is the third time we've been admonished about our breathing. Geeze.)

Snap...Break the bar in two places. Hear a crisp, ringing pop, which indicates a well-tempered bar of chocolate. (We leaned in to hear it. It sounded like any other chocolate bar when you break it. Pretty much inaudible.)

Taste...Place a small piece (or a large one) of chocolate on your tongue and press it to the roof of your mouth. Within thirty secondss, the chocolate square will begin to melt around your tongue.(Realize that this chocolate tastes bad, and no amount of ritualizing of the experience is going to change that. Rinse it down with coffee.)


Amrita said...

Is it the Bournville dark chocolate?

Sounds like it. We have a sunny ad to go with it.

The World According To Me said...

That's the way to do it!
I need chocolate now!

Katherine said...

It wasn't nice of you to post this now, Kate, when "Aunt Flo" is due in town!

Now I am ready to lick the baking cocoa tin, which is the only chocolate in my house.

Anonymous said...

My Dearest Kate -
Jeeze! Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

cinnibonbon said...

LOL..I was so not expecting you to say that it sucked!!! LOL.
you kill me girl.

sanjeet said...

Sounds like it. We have a sunny ad to go with it.

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