Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Find the Diary

I told Sara that I would return her diary today, and I did. "Don't worry, you'll find it on your bed when you get home from school; and then I want you to quietly put it away and stop taunting Nathan with it."

How unfortunate for Sara that today is the day that Olga, housekeeper and domestic mainstay, makes one of her bi-weekly visits. All she needs to do in Sara's room is vacuum. To do more would be impossible. Once I got everything up off the floor, this was the state of affairs on Sara's bed. How is it that kids this age are happy living in squalor? So, I'm chucking stuff up onto the bed, and I see a little snip of pink satin peeking out from under her closet door. I open the door and am confronted with a MOUNTAIN of CLEAN LAUNDRY. Now I find out that every week, I'm washing, drying, folding and delivering a basket of fresh clean clothing to her room, and she is simply tipping it out topsy-turvey onto the floor of the closet so she can put another week's worth of dirty clothes into the basket. So...her dresser is...what? Empty?

I piled up all the clean laundry of several weeks into the basket and put the diary way down in the bottom. She will look for that diary all over her bed, but she won't find it until she puts her clean clothes away.


Lillian said...

Perfect! Wish I could do that with my kids. Unfortunately, you can't hide a desktop computer under the laundry. Then again, it's actually a pretty big pile of laundry...

Maria said...

I am a little concerned about Liv's room for the opposite reason. It is as neat as a pin. I keep asking my partner if she thinks this is normal and she says to shut up and just be thankful.

Point taken.

cinnibonbon said...

My daughter is about to be 17 years olds and she too dumps her CLEAN laundry at the bottom of her closet. We no longer bother to fold it or bring it upstairs. She's lucky we still wash it. Or rather that my hubs washes it. I hate doing laundry!!! Cute post!!