Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Victoria's Secret, Again!?

This time, it was the catalogue. Eight-year-old daughter Sara is concerned about my body image. So, she picked up the catalogue and immediately said, "Eeew! These women are so skinny. Mom! I hope you don't want to be skinny like this. They are thinner than the thin-crust pizza we had for supper."

She peruses the catalogue. "Underwear....underwear.....Mom! Is this whole catalogue about underwear?" "Well, no. There are some pajamas, shoes, clothes..." "Well, it's mostly underwear. What is the big deal? It's not like there's going to be an undies inspection or something."

I thought fast. Choice of responses:
1. "Well, sometimes a person wants an undies inspection." Nah. This would require further delving and explanation.
2. "And if you get in an accident and have to go to the hospital?" Nah. The concept of a catalogue catering to potential accident victims would freak Sara out (especially since I"m on their mailing list).
3. "Well, not everyone likes Winnie-the-Pooh undies." Ooohh. This would be really throwing down the gauntlet. Sara is a Winnie-the-Pooh fan, and will defend him to her last breath.


Dean said...


nice blog you got here. It's pretty interesting.

If you don't recognize me, I'm Phil Myglass**, and I own and maintain the blog "If you Were This Guy", on which you posted a comment on.

I just dropped by to give my thanks for the comment you posted. Please don't forget that there is a new post daily, and I would really appreciate your daily visit.


**-Phil Myglass is not my real name ;)

Katherine said...

LOL I immediately toss out VS before my girls ask more questions than, "Do people really WEAR those???"

Amrita said...

So the secret 's out!