Monday, March 10, 2008

Wipe Out

Let's do I feel? What would be a good analogy? The Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz? An over sized Utah Jazz bobble-head? Really, when you think about it, skiing is a weird sport.

"Si, have you really thought about this pastime? How it would look, for example, to aliens from outer space? What would they think of the fact that we like to strap on our weight in gear and slide down steep hills at high speed?"

"If aliens arrive, their opinion of skiing is going to be the least of our worries. And, anyway, they're aliens. They'd think everything we do is weird."

It's been a stormy winter and most days when I've been out skiing, the visibility has not been good. I skied slowly, 'cause I couldn't see. I should have stuck with that plan. Yesterday, I chose to attempt a more...uh...assertive style, which is why I am unhappy today.

The first time I wiped out, it was sort of funny. I saw some sweet-looking powder that I wanted to ski, so I went off the groomed run and started to make my way over to it. I went off the piste, hit the soft stuff too hard, and didn't adjust my technique quickly enough. I felt myself losing it and tried to get back onto the run, but went ass over teacups before I could quite get there. The only body part that got back on-piste was my head; it slammed hard enough against the surface that my goggles flew about 6 feet. I was lying there, watching the little birdies circling around my head and this guy skied over. He was very good-looking (the kind of guy I always meet when I'm in compromising situations). Muzzily, I thought to myself, "Cute! I wonder if he's ski patrol?" Looking back, I'm worried that I said this ALOUD, 'cause he then said, "I am a patroller; just not at this resort." Ack! Maybe I DID say it aloud! At any rate, he handed me my goggles, checked that I wasn't about to pass out, and he was gone. Who WAS that masked man?

Not a big deal. I felt sort of carsick for an hour or so, then had a headache for an hour or so, then I was fine. Today, however, my neck muscles would like everyone to know: they played a vital role in preventing my head from coming off and are now making a serious bid for recognition. I find myself thinking about huge cervical collars with longing. Oh! That would feel SO GOOD! Who knew that holding one's head up was so much work? I appreciate you, neck muscles! Really!

This is the bummer: I wiped out again, later that day, in the exact same damn place! We were skiing at both Alta and Snowbird, so we're talking about a lot of terrain. What are the chances that I would crash again, right there? So, yeah...headed toward the sweet powder-shot again, failed to adjust technique again, ass over teacups again. But this time, it was my knee, which is a giant pickle. I want to run in the Salt Lake Half-Marathon in mid-April, and I don't want anything messing with my training routine! I sat for a bit, trying to assess the damage while Si stood there waiting.

"How is it? Do I need to get ski patrol?"

Yikes! Y'know, it's one thing to WANT a hunky patroller to rescue you, and a whole different thing to NEED a hunky patroller to rescue you. The fuss; the ride in "blood-wagon", while people look at you speculatively...

"No! How embarrassing."

"Well, in that case, can you ski well enough to get to the top of the tram? Then you can take the tram down."

Hundreds of people ride the tram UP every hour. You know who rides the tram DOWN? No one! "'Scuse me, Ms. Tram Operator? Would you mind if I ride down with you? My knee hurts."

"No! How embarrassing!"

"Well, in that case, you'll just have to ski the whole thing."

Obviously, I managed that; and I would like to say that it was hard work, what with the distance, the knee injury, and the 12 tons of ego I felt it necessary to transport intact. Which I guess just goes to show that I can't be hurt too badly. I hope my body gets the memo.


Anonymous said...

Yeah....feels like a Monday here too! :)

Anonymously, John

Erin said...

Oh my goodness. That is a story and the exact reason I don't want to ski... ever. I gotta say - the way you wrote that was amazing - I learn something new every time I read your blog (i mean stylistically in addition to general trivia). FEEL BETTER!

super hero said...

thats funny, i also think about how aliens thnik about our activities. i hope they dont see us like food.

and i knew that there was a catch when people told me skiing is a great sport.

The World According To Me said...

You certainly know how to see the funny side of a situation!

I've never been ski-ing. I would like to, but I'm so clumsy that I worry I'll seriously harm myself...

Amrita said...

sking looks scary to me, but i wish i could do it.

Unknown said...

how exciting! i want to try skiing like - right now!

suesun said...

Although I have been skiing for years, I've always wanted to learn how to snowboard. So I took snowboarding lessons the other day from a friendly, very cute, 20-years-younger than me instructor.

I did back somersaults and front belly flops and the description of your neck muscles totally hit home! I lay in bed that night aware of muscles I NEVER knew I had. Great story.

Katherine said...

Ahhhhh yes....falling down a mountain. Never did feel like much of a sport to me.

Lillian said...

Kate! You really do like the adventures, don't you? ;)

If your knee can't take the training, you're always welcome to half-run/half-walk the half marathon with me. I'll be there, even though I'm not in good-enough shape to actually run the whole thing. So if your body won't cooperate, and you can bear the embarrassment of hanging-out with a total loser, you know where to find me.

At least you'd have an excuse. I've just been lazy and not worked out enough.

Lulubelle B said...

Are you OK? Sounds like a slight concussion. Please take care of yourself.

- Lulu

Kate said...

Thanks for your good wishes. I'm getting better. I'm going to try running a little tomorrow and see how it goes.
@ Superhero, Pink elephants, Amrita & Katherine: Don't let my misadventures put you off the idea of trying skiing if you get a chance.
@ Lillian:Fingers crossed! I'm going to try to get back onto my schedule tomorrow and, if I do, I'm still on track.
@ Lulu: I might have a little bit of a concussion. My head is solid bone, though, pretty much.

Rebecca said...

OUCH! Not sure which would hurt more, the knee, the noggin or the ego! I haven't skied in years, and I gotta say, I miss it! We were all set to send Chris skiing for the first time, but the trip was rained out. Now he'll have to wait until next year. :( Hope your knee is up to the run.

Maria said...

I've never been skiing. And now I am scared shitless. Ah well...I don't have the knees for it anyway...

This is kind of like the time I woke up in the middle of the night with stomach pain so bad that I thought I might faint. Bing kept asking me if she needed to call an ambulance. I kept thinking how I would be so embarrassed to have anyone see how messy my house was....

We ended up going in the car and she practically had to carry me out to the car.