Monday, February 2, 2009

Yet More Progress

I know Simon is getting better quickly, because I'm starting to feel annoyed about dumb little s*** that he does again. He doesn't call me when he is going to be late, which makes the yams soft and overcooked. Everywhere I turn in the kitchen, there he is; but is there a cocktail forthcoming? Noooooo! His crutches, too. They are blocking me at every turn.

OK, today I'm going to label a blog entry. All of my blog buddies do this, and so will I, after two years of blogging, just to prove to the world that I am a mindless lemming. If anyone can tell me what the point is, though, I'd love to know.


Trysha said...

You label it so in a year when Si says something to the effect of recovery not being so bad you can say "nuh-uh!" pull up the entry "see? told you so." ;)

I am so glad to hear that they took a look and got Si all fixed up. Here's to getting better!

Amrita said...

You all are getting there Kate

Susan in Lille said...

Why I smell progress a-brewin!! At least he is working, that sounds great if he is getting out of the house.
I guess the tag thing is so when someone wants to know ALL the wisdom you have spewed forth about "the knee" we can click on it and like a little magic internet thing we have your story in full with all your posts together. I think. I don't know, I'm a lemming...I felt the social pressure and conformed. But I'm rethinking that now that you mentioned it.

suesun said...

the pressure to Label is nothing compared to the pressure to Facebook!

I like my labels, because if I want to go back and find something, it makes it easier. It's also interesting to see the variety of posts that can fit under one label. For me, anyway.

For chrissakes, don't do it if ya don't wanna! :-)

Alice Kildaire said...

I'm so glad things are starting to return to normal around there and even (quite selfishly) excited that one of my favorite bloggers now has more time to entertain the masses!

The World According To Me said...

Well I guess if you want to remember the knee and the annoying crutches in years to come, you can do so now!

Glad he's on the mend.