Dear Santa,
how are you. first I hav a few QUESTIONS.
1. Do you cut down your own christmas tree, or do you send the elves to do it?
2. where do the elves sleep?
3. when you deliver present, Do the elves come with you?
4. it there really a red and white pole to mark the north pole?
5. what's your all time favorite cookie?
and now I'm going to tell you what I want for CHRISTMAS...
1. iPod or Mp3 player (whichever one it's easier to make)
2. a how to draw horses book thats not really complacated.
3. Big toy horse stable that holds some horses & a rider doll (a doll that can actually ride a horse.)
from Sara Diggins
PS if any of the questions intrude on your personal buisnuss you don't have to answer them
Oh come on. Did she REALLY write that last sentence? LOL! Where did she get such a thing?
Love it!
I love the request about which ever one is easier to make!
I wonder what his fav cookies are?
@World: Santa's fave cookie will be one I can make, that's for sure.
That 's cute.
I 'd have some of those questions too
What a wonderful, letter, Kate.
That last line is perfect.
If there's a book out there that can explain how to draw horses' legs and make them look right it must surely be a best seller.
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