Monday, April 13, 2009

Reclaiming the Ordinary

In an attempt to get my head back to normal, I will play my old game, 'High Point, Low Point". It's been awhile, so I'll review the rules. I have to think of the best single moment of my day and the single worst moment, no matter how mundane. If you want to play along, please comment on the high point and the low point in your day.

High Point

I was able to take the kids to see Monsters vs. Aliens today and survived sitting up that long. Since specificity is important in this game, I most enjoyed rating the previews with my kids. We watch each preview and than vote on how much we want to see the movie, using special hand-signals.

On a snarkier note, I was also awe-struck by the kind of gawky young man in the row in front of us who, in returning to his seat with a flimsy cardboard drink tray, managed to dump an entire Sprite on the head of the kid in front of him. You don't see that every day.

Low Point

After the movie, I had to stagger, moaning, back to my sofa and take a nap. When I am well, I am never going to lounge on this sofa ever again. Any place but here.


Lillian said...

High Point: Discovering that I had mistyped a dosage on my supplement list, the doctor was panicking over nothing, and I could still take my Vitamin D without repercussions.

Low Point(s): Tossup between crying all through a friend's funeral, and taking a moment to read my favorite blogs (which I've neglected even looking at in months) only to discover things like cancer, unemployment, and lonely deployment running rampant through the ranks. :(

Katherine said...

Kate, you have this way of making me crack up in the silence of my home as I work. Thank you!

I hope you rested!

It's too early for today's high and low, so I will do yesterday.

High: Spending a great morning connecting with other moms in a church group (called a "chalice group") as my kids provided childcare and were proud to be paid for it!

Low: Finding out the local anti-immigrant crew is planning a campaign against me to ensure I don't get a volunteer position on a county Tourism board.

I don't know what is worse--the fact they are doing this or the fact it is completely illogical.

Alice Kildaire said...

High Point: I a surrounded by people who love me, and each other.

Low Point: A couple of those people called this morning to tell me that a very good friend's mom has just died. He lost his father in September and my heart breaks for him.

Weber said...

High Point: Hearing that you felt well enough to take the kids to the movies.
Low Point: Having difficulty ironing some slacks for work. (if this is my lowest point for today I will be VERY happy)

anantadharma said...

High point: Getting readmitted into college.

Low point: Getting a call from the assistant principal informing me Damien walked out of class (and then listening to Damien piss and moan about being grounded for it).

Glad you were able to get away from the dreaded couch!

Diane said...

Low point: hearing that my sister's health problem is getting worse and there's nothing that can be done for it.

High point: having my good friend's mother add me as a facebook friend.

Lulubelle B said...

High Point: Giggling at the Sprite story

Low Point: Finding out that due to layoffs and reassignments, I'll be responsible for UAT for a system I barely know.

Mid Point: Realizing if I hadn't kept my job, I wouldn't be around for them to draft me for UAT (sigh)

Susan in Lille said...

Hey Kate, I have been out of sorts lately for no good reason. I have missed your blog and am so glad to hear that things are moving forward for you (even though I know you feel like it's painfully slow). I will play but it's early here so this is yesterday:
High Point: I drank a glass of red wine while watching "America's Best Dance Crew" on the internet with no one watching or laughing at me because I like this dorky show. Husband was at a business dinner.

Low Point: Feeling like a completely selfish twit when I read your blog and realized I had missed so much and how hard this time is for you. I hope you heal very quickly and are able to make easy decisions from here on out.

Maria said...

I feel for you. And when I was heavy into treatment in the fall, I would go to work and just want to be home so that I could sleep (and puke..because I swear I spent the entire month of October throwing up.) And then I would be home and laying on the sofa, experiencing that burning behind my eyes feeling that meant that I was borderline exhausted. But, I grew to hate laying on that sofa. Hated watching mindless TV, got so sick of having get well wishers say stupid things to me like, "Boy, I wish I could just lay on a sofa all day long..."

No, you don't.

Right? Fucking right.

The World According To Me said...

Whoops, someone got a wet head!

I can imagine how you feel about your sofa now...