Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm Back!

Where have I been? Beats me. April is OVER! But, thank God! Too many deadlines, too many obligations.

Over the past month, I have:
  1. Planned and carried off a six-hour teacher training with my colleague Anne, on How to Teach Pronunciation;
  2. Run in a half-marathon;
  3. Run in our local Race for the Cure;
  4. Traveled to Washington DC for a conference on professional development for teachers;
  5. Helped plan a school fundraising dance, which was no more successful that the one we did a couple of years ago;
  6. Wrote two ginormous federal grant proposals;
  7. And Simon had a couple of inconvenient business trips.

That's where I've been. I know, I know... Hillary Clinton wouldn't bat an eyelash. Hillary Clinton also has handlers. I want a handler.

My two fat federal grants are handed in at last, and I can start to dig myself out from under. I have been in a daze. Time to try to get some decent sleep, too.

I got up at 5:15 this morning, so I would be on time for my 7:00 AM mammogram. Better to go in early, I figure, before the day starts to get all backlogged. And it's my first post-cancer mammogram; I'll feel like I've reached a milestone to have a clean screen. This is only my second mammogram ever, after all. The first one sure opened a can of worms!

At any rate, I got dressed, had breakfast, looked at the newspaper for a few all ready to go. And just before leaving the house, I glanced at my planner and saw that my fucking mammogram is tomorrow.

Well, shit. All that lovely sleep, wasted. I took off my skirt and stockings and climbed back in bed and was finally able to doze off again, moments before I had to wake up once more for the start of my real day. The one that is actually TODAY, not TOMORROW? You know, if I had been clever, I would have gone anyway. I'll bet they could have worked me in. How many people want to get their boobs mooshed that early in the morning?

The best part is, I get to do it all again tomorrow at 5:15.


Lillian said...

Damn it all. I had myself convinced I didn't need to go back for a mammogram. Last year's was good. I'm only 41, right? Curse you for needling my conscience! I'll call tomorrow.

Did you see me in the throngs of people at the Race for the Cure? I was the fat, tired-looking one handing out water bottles at the end.

Welcome back!

Amrita said...

Hi Kate, you' ve busy an d so active.

Wow - the half marathon, my what a feat

The World According To Me said...

Don't you hate it when that happens - you could have stayed in bed!
I hope all is well though.
Could I have a handler too please? I'm prob not as busy as you, or Hilary, but I would like one.

cinnibonbon said...

Ok I'm thrilled you're back--but hey!!! You were in the District and didn't tell me? I could of met you for lunch or something!!! crazy--ok next time you're in my woods let me know.

OH yes---Don't you lOVE my Punctuation!!!???!!! heheh

alisonwonderland said...

I want a handler too! :)

suesun said...

hope the mammo went well.... <3
Here's to the end of another (successful?) school year. Whewwww!