Thursday, June 12, 2008

All Right, Lillian!

Lillian tagged me for a "Fives Meme". I try to be obedient, especially to Lillian, who lives within a stone's throw of me (relatively speaking).

The rules:
1. Post the rules of the game at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read the player’s blog.
4. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answer.

What were you doing five years ago?

Oh, that was NOT a good time in my life. I was thinking about divorce. I was imagining myself with someone else. I was getting my navel pierced. That was the summer my father came to Utah and we took 4-year-old Sara on her first backpacking trip. He became violently ill in the back country and getting them both out was an experience I'd be grateful not to have to repeat. That was the summer my MIL and FIL came to stay for an entire month, along with BIL, SIL and two nieces. I cooked for 10 people every night.

What are five things on your to-do list for today?

1. Go to the dentist. Walk around with numb drooly mouth for half the day.
2. Call United Way in search of a small-business mentoring program for women. Or try to, with a numb, drooly mouth.
3. Plan lessons for tonight's classes.
4. Write postcards to send to Sara at Girl Scout Camp next week.
5. Update student attendance and testing records.

What are five snacks you enjoy?

1. Sun Chips!
2. Dark chocolate in any form. Add mint and I'm in heaven.
3. Is Scotch a snack?
4. Roast turkey and cranberry sauce sandwich (when snack becomes art)(the fine line between snack and lunch).
5. Pudding. Warm. Let's dip some mini-pretzels in it.

What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?

1. Travel, travel, travel.
2. Build the new school we are trying to raise money for. If I were a billionaire, the required $8,000,000 would be a drop in the bucket. Then I would travel.
3. Get an eye job. Then go away somewhere exotic until the swelling went down. And a manicure. In New Zealand. I've never even had a manicure in Salt Lake.
4. Stop worrying. Lie, anxiety-free, in a hammock in Costa Rica.
5. Have a big foundation like Bill Gates and travel around the world, solving the Big Problems.

What are five of your bad habits?

1. Hitting the snooze, over and over and over. And over.
2. Biting my nails.
3. Swearing.
4. Pretending that I don't know the dishwasher of full of clean dishes, in hope that Simon will empty it and I won't have to.
5. Thinking, "I'm fat. Does this make my ass look big?" all day, every day.

What are five places you have lived?

1. Markesan, Wisconsin
2. Northfield, Minnesota
3. Townsville, North Queensland, Australia
4. Oxford, England
5. Littlehampton, West Sussex, England
What the hell? I'm on a roll. Before my suburban exile, I had a life!
6. Lomza, Poland
7. Brighton, Utah

What are five jobs you've had?

1. Pizza delivery person
2. Carnival barker
3. The person who cuts the corn off the cob in a corn-canning factory
4. Door-to-door double glazing salesperson (for about three hours)
5. Pub kitchen grunt

Five people I tag:

Kristen (fresh meat!)
Erin ('cause I haven't in a while)
Super Hero (to get his mind off work)
Flying Pink Elephants
Trysha (she's been looking for subject matter)


Anonymous said...

wow! you've lived in some pretty exotic places... i slung pizzas too.. well..not slung...delivered i guess... ha...what's a carnival barker...and why do you need an eye job??? bwaa ha haa... i like reading people's memes...

Amrita said...

O My what a life Kate. i love your Meme

cinnibonbon said...

Great post...So glad I wasn't tagged..LOL

The World According To Me said...

Thanks for tagging me! Expect my answers soon...

You've lived in some great places.
I'm Queen of the snoozers too!

Lillian said...

Yay! This was a fun one!

You know, I will happily empty your dishwasher any day, if you'll fill mine. I hate putting in the dishes, but I love putting them away.

And wow! You really have lived in some interesting places.

Erin said...

UBER jealous about the living in Australia...

Thanks for tagging me though... I wanted an excuse to blog but didn't have all my pics from Fan Fair gone through yet!

~ L said...

"That was the summer my MIL and FIL came to stay for an entire month, along with BIL, SIL and two nieces. I cooked for 10 people every night."

Holy crap!!!

Katherine said...

You got your BELLY BUTTON pierced? LMAO!

Maria said...


Wow. I wish that I had traveled more before it got so hard.

And warm pudding with pretzels sounds really, really delicious about now...

Rebecca said...

I love this! And, hmmm, IS scotch a snack? If so, single malt and OLD, please.

I, too, smack the snooze button mercilessly.

And divorce thoughts?? sheesh. I think that was really heavy on my mind 7 years ago. Now only intermittently. More than anything now, I worry about him. 'nother show.

sleep deprived said...

I have obediently posted my responses.

Don't you wish I did everything you ask so quickly?