I'm really trying to blog every day for a week. And if I don't have anything clever to say, it's "high point, low point".
High Point
Now, I don't let my students talk disparagingly about themselves; and when they do, I protest. I protested tonight, but only after laughing my head off at the student's virtuosity. M. is a dignified, older gentleman; We sat down for a testing session together and he, in one breath, equated himself with a burro; then his head was compared to a coconut! No! A bowling ball! Even if submerged in water, neither the head or the bowling ball would absorb ANYTHING. This was by far the most eloquent and far-reaching self disparagement I have ever heard. Too bad there aren't prizes for that.
Low Point
The Othermothers at the bus stop. I'll bet they all know that my kids are going to be at home alone on Thursdays. We're talking about something totally unrelated, and I find myself thinking, "You know, don't you? About me and what a bad parent I am? I can see that you know."
OK. Your turn. Think through your day yesterday. What was the single high moment? The single low moment?
Hi Kate
Kids home alone today then?
High point - arranging to visit Bird World with a friend.
Low point - my friend cancelling our visit to Bird World
HighPoint - leaving for vacation in 2 days.
Low Point - leaving for vacation in 2 days - I want to go today.
Low- My kitchen sink malfunctioned, had to call the plumber
High - Sold 3 bunches of bananas for a good price.
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