Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hamburger Bun

OK, the reality is starting to sink in.

Up until this week, I had been pretty cheerful. Hey! Mastectomy and reconstruction: no big deal! I will go to sleep and wake up with a new set. Better than ever, in fact.

Oh, uh-uh.

I met with the plastic surgeon on Wednesday. News flash to Kate. Not one surgery, but two. And an itty-bitty scar on the underwire line? Think again. More like a huge honkin' scar that runs horizontally right across the front of my boob. In the first surgery, they basically fillet my pectoral muscle and stick in a thing called an expander. They use that to stretch the muscle out enough that an implant can go under there. Why does it have to go under the muscle? Why can't it go on top of the muscle like a real breast does? I looked at photos of other reconstructions: big, red, angry scars galore. And then there's the nerve damage. I was told to expect permanent numbness; or if feeling returns, only a little feeling.

I was taking that on board, though. I had a little cry, but I was getting used to it. Then, people I know started telling me how it's really going to be. One friend told me, "You need to manage your expectations. Think on a scale of one to ten, with ten being a reconstruction that looks and feels normal. This will be a four."

The worst was from the friend of a friend who had this same procedure fairly recently. She told me that she was not happy, either. When she flexes her pectoral muscle, this big diagonal crease shows up across the breast. She said that the shape is basically "a hamburger bun". She wears a prosthesis in her bra, since the hamburger bun doesn't fill her out properly.

I manged to accept the scarring, and even the limited feeling..well, I guess I could come to grips with it. But a hamburger bun?

The truth is that I'm going to look like the bride of Frankenstein.

I'm definitely sliding into a "woe is me" phase.


Erin said...

Kate, I can't relate to the cancer side of things. I have however had five reconstructive breast surgeries for my significant asymmetry. I agree with your friend that it's all about expectations. I have a ton of scars, that I've gotten used to, and that have faded over time. I'm going to warn you, the expander will be uncomfortable. And, I have never regained any feeling. I also think a lot relies on the plastic surgeon too though. If you'd like to see my before, middle and after photos just let me know and I'll forward them on.


Weber said...

Kate, I'm sure people mean well, but I'm thinking that there may be times when positive re-enforecement would be the better approach. As Erin mentioned, I can't relate to the cancer side. But, I think things always turn out better with a positive attitude.

I'm sending only good thoughts your way for a beautiful new boobie.

anantadharma said...

Katie! Geez, I feel like a heel for not reading your blog in so long. I had no idea of what you are going through! If you feel "woe is me"-ish I would say that's warranted. Because you seem like a strong person who won't get sucked too far into the mire of woefullness.

Even though we haven't seen each other in 25+ years, I still feel for you and what you must be going through. My love goes out to you and your family.


suesun said...

It's perfectly ok to wallow.....

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