Monday, August 3, 2009

Put a File In a Cake...

Dear Utah State Office of Education,

I just want you to know that I'm going to die soon. I'll die of bureaucracy overload while you rend your clothes and wail. You'll feel bad after I'm gone.

You'll stand at my grave and cry to the wind, "Kate! I know now why Raquel Hornedo came mysteriously un-scheduled from your evening class. I can't believe I didn't listen when you came to me for help. I will make it my life-long mission to discover why you get an "ERROR" message every time you try to enter Pilar's long term goal on the goals page." But you'll get no answer. I hope that torments you.

This is why I can't blog! I can't read my friends' blogs. I'm being oppressed. This is a cry for help! Come and free me. I'll give up adult education and become a pet psychic instead.


Katherine said...

Don't give up, Kate! The world needs you to combat ignorance and bureaucracy! WE NEED YOU! POWER TO THE PEOPLE! Si se puede!

Or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Don't give in to the corporate industrial complex! Oppressors of us all!

Not-so-anonymously, John

Lulubelle B said...

Speak truth to power!!
Don't give up the good fight.
Don't trust anyone over 30...uh, wait...that's not it...


cinnibonbon said...

Agrrrr...girl come on..we all hate the BS..but I do feel your pain.

Hang on tigher!!!

Trysha said...

Get up
Stand up
Stand up for your right...

Something like that.

Hey Kate, just so you know...I love you more than my luggage. (which says a lot since my luggage is really cute and red...)
I've been keeping up, but my phone is so touchy about leaving comments, sometimes they go through but most times they don't. Grrrr.

Maria said...

God, AT LAST. Someone who I can commiserate with about government bureaucracy.

I deal A LOT with medicaid and government programs and I can tell you that I have met some people who are SO good at tweaking those programs and others who desperately need help and get none.

And if I have to sit and listen to elevator music one more time while I wait for some useless suit to come answer my question about why my patient is not eligible for transportation merit when she only has one leg and cannot drive and I DID fill in all of those wretched forms, so WHY is she being billed?....I will tear my hair out, or better yet, tear out THEIR hair.

Katherine said...

So, Maria, what do you think about the proposed government health care program? LOL!

Maria said...

Katherine, I'm a HUGE fan of Obama's health care um...I mean INSURANCE reform. I have seen so many people lose out and suffer because of no insurance or poor insurance (and let's face it, most of it is poor...I have BC/BS and it is supposed to be the best and I had to fight tooth and nail to get my dental insurance to pay for what they deemed "unnecessary procedures." It was a ROOT CANAL!)

I think his plan is workable. Now, we just have to get all those insurance companies to stop trying to train wreck it by scaring everyone.

Katherine said...

Insurance reform is good! I'm just afraid Obama's plan is coming a little faster than people can adjust to. The fear is out there, and yeah, it's being spread by fear mongerers who need a big ole liability spanking, IMO.

I recently got a copy of the statement from the AARP. If you haven't seen it, you can read it on my blog: