Monday, June 25, 2007

8 Random Facts

David, also knows as Foul B**tard "tagged" me for one of these goof-ball random facts games. OK, I was dutiful and wrote them. I just can't figure out where. I'll prove to F.B. that I'm not a spoiler. I don't want to mess up his Karma. I have to try to remember what I wrote, though.


1. It has to be mint chocolate chip. Mint chocolate anything.

2. I have MAJOR body image issues. I hate every part of my body except my wrists. They're great.

3. I brush my teeth in the shower, so I can at least perform this boring, mundane task in muscle-relaxing comfort.

4. I hate air conditioning and will resist using it, no matter how hot it is. A thin sheen of sweat makes my wrists look even better.

5. Lately, I've started making bizarre cocktails using rum and the juice I drain off canned fruit.

(I give up on re-creating the facts I originally wrote and lost. I'm punting at this point.)

6. I have Vitaligo (so I DO have something in common with Michael Jackson), which makes my skin look blotchy and weird. No, Im not peeling; no, it isn't contagious; no, it doesn't hurt (in response to the questions I've heard a thousand times). So much for my career as a super model.

7. I roll my eyes at sports cars, but secretly dream of a vintage Mustang, deep blue, with shiny chrome.

8. I was once an "undocumated worker", washing dishes and peeling potatoes in a pub in Engliand without proper authorization.

There! OK, since David only tagged three people and lightning hasn't struck him yet, I will do the same.

1. Diane, are you out there? You haven't posted on your blog lately, so "8 Random Facts" is your homework assignment.

2. Amrita! I'm especially hoping for any facts about you that include scary bugs, having loved your toilet-seat story...

3. Jyankee, has anyone made you so this, yet? If not, now's your big chance. Have fun, ladies. It's not that easy.


Anonymous said...

WTF???? Awww Kate, be nice!!! Ok. Gives me something to think about today at work....Geez...sounds difficult already...gotta get those brain cells moving....

Unknown said...

Eight???? Hmmmm, that's gonna be tough..... so do I post these on my blog or yours?

I don't think it'd be appropriate on my Garden Blog, so I'll post it on my Other Stuff Blog.

More later.

Amrita said...

I 'll do the 8 random facts thingi

Anonymous said...

Awesome job Kate! I knew you'd pull this off with flying colors. Flying colors :), that's something I've always wanted to say to a teacher. A+, oh wait I'm on a role here...

I used to brush my teeth in the shower, but ever since we got a Sonicare not so much. Will you be posting sweat sheen wrist glamor shots at some point?

Not only have I not gotten hit by lightning, but yesterday I tempted fate by swimming during an electrical storm (well, the storm was nearby anyway).

PS: Thanks for not messing up my Karma! :)

Rebecca said...

Fun Post. Funny story about a bizarre cocktail: A couple of years ago, a bunch of us girls were sitting around a table assembling, addressing and stuffing wedding invitations. They were hand made, so a long, arduous process. At the end of it, we wanted a drink (no drinking allowed DURING the process). All Joan had was a bottle of vodka and some Chambord. No mixers, no wine, no beer, and too late to have any delivered. Just ice, a shaker, vodka and Chambord. We made martinis with it. Quite good!! Chambord is a raspberry liqueur. Highly recommend it.

Amrita said...

Hi Kate, I like mint too. We make mint chutney with fresh mint and green chillies.But I like it in desserts and mint sweets are divine.