Thursday, June 21, 2007

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

I work at the sort of non-profit where stuff gets donated when people clean house. You just never know what may turn up. Christmas ornaments shaped like flying fruit; a game of Chicken Limbo (Which plays a clucking calypso tune until it gets bunped, after which it squawks wildly); 70 Scrabble games (we still have a few); a giant plastic iguana as long as my arm; headless Barbies... This darling clown figurine was, in my opinion, much improved by shining a flashlight on it for terrifying effect.


Anonymous said...

Eeew! Creepy! Chuckie and the Clown!

Jessica Oakley said...

Kate, I don't know if I'm more afraid of this, or a bear attack. Dude. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhh! Oh wait, it's just a, uh, clown. Right, like that clown in Stephen King's IT.

By the way...TAG! You're it! I've tagged you for 8 Random Facts About Me. What you've got to do now is post 8 random facts about Kate and then tag 8 other people. I cheated and only tagged 3...lucky you. ;)You've just so got to be loving me right now. Am I right???


Anonymous said...

EVERYBODY loves ya David, right?

Anonymous said...

Kate, you make me laugh. I can't wait for Camp Misconduct.