Monday, April 21, 2008

Baby-Wan Kenobi

Nate wore his hair like this all day, 'cause he is the young Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars, Episode I.


Unknown said...

cute ^.^

Maria said...

He looks very sweet, I mean...looks like no one better mess with him.

suesun said...

I came home yesterday, and Grant was in the kitchen with red eyes and tears down his cheeks. I hugged him and asked him what was wrong. He said, all whiny: "It's Star Wars. I just finished Return of the Jedi." *sniffle, sniffle, hiccup*

The fact that a book is able to bring a 9-year-old boy (albeit a very sensitive one) to tears reminds me of the sheer power of the Star Wars narrative. It's a great story and will endure perhaps even through our children's children.

Elizabeth Penmark said...

Has Nate shown any interest in your bras? The Boy has shown a strange fascination in my bras lately. He even went so far as to insist that he, also, wears a bra. A baby bra. Not sure what to make of that. I'm assuming it is just that he wants to be like me.

Rebecca said...

Very cute. My boy is a star wars nut, still.