- The Newbie Freak-Out: I have hired a new teacher, and we need to get her started tomorrow night. The only problem is that I have to take the night off tomorrow night, because Sara has a school concert. She'll get to walk into an office full of perfect strangers. I need to remind the staff not to start off by throwing the Screaming Monkey at her. Or putting plastic ants in her supper. No pranks until after coffee-break, please.
- The All-Girl Freak-Out: Next Tuesday, we will have our first ever Ladies' Night, which (in an effort to deal tactfully with a potentially stigmatizing issue) will be a combination pot-luck, Bingo match, Mary Kay party and seminar about what to do if you a victim of domestic violence. Our local YWCA, in charge of one patch in this crazy quilt, are viewing my idea with some curiosity, but are keeping an open mind. Thing is, if you invite a group of women to leave their co-ed study groups to attend a seminar about domestic abuse, they would never go. 'Cause what would that imply? (Sigh!) If we are putting lipstick on this pig, at least it's Mary Kay lipstick.
- The Brownie Freak-Out: Also next Tuesday (rapidly shaping up to be an enthralling day), I'm in charge of Sara's Brownie meeting again. Holy Thin Mint, Batman! This time, we are going to do the remaining activities required for the sewing merit badge (or "Try-It", as the Brownies call it). I have to show the girls how to sew on buttons, then supply them with assorted buttons so they can practice. No problem there. I CAN sew on a button. But the other activity is...uh... embroidery. I tried it once when I was 12. At this point I have the floss, the needles and some hoops. Now all I need is expertise. So, I dug a rag out of the rag box, drew a flower on it with a Sharpie, looked at a couple of line diagrams and got to work. The result was a little...lumpy. We who are about to die salute you.
- The Ranchero Freak-Out: Here's a great idea! My school puts on a selection of fancy, expensive fundraisers; but what about a fundraiser that our clients could attend, thus making a contribution to their school? One of the preschool teachers has suggested a dance! I think that sounds incredibly fun! So, I've offered to help her. Picture it: the big assembly hall at the local Mexican civics center; a couple of local Latin bands; $10 per head; price includes beer; open to anyone who wants to come. Let's squint slightly so we don't have to focus on security concerns, the fact that I don't know jack about putting on a dance, or that my Latin dance skills are a subject of hilarity among my students.
- And now, for the Ultimate Freak-Out: Sara has presented me with boobs. Actually, just one boob. Sort of. She appeared naked in the living room, looking very pleased with herself and announced that she's GROWING. I shuttered my face against the shock that wanted to appear there. I resisted the urge put my head between my knees. She showed me a very slight convexity on her hitherto sleek 9 year old body, amused by the fact that there is no matching convexity on the other side. I grasped at the lifebuoy of humor and asked her when she was planning to get started on the other one. In the resulting giggles, I was able to suppress my urge to scream. OMG! I was flat as a pancake until I was 12! The last girl in the locker room to get a bra. Contaminated water! Than must be it. It's all the birth control pills that Americans are flushing into the water supply! Or milk! Or meat! You know that scene at the very end of Thelma and Louise? When they grasp hands and drive off the edge of the Grand Canyon? That's Sara and me, the the Caddy is her childhood.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
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You're lucky! I didn't start growing mine until I was past forty.
What a pretty picture.
Girls seem to grow up far faster these days! Hope you're not so freaked out now!
LOL! Oh my what a complicated world you live in Kate. But motherhood does that to you. It's okay. Boobs will be boobs. My kids are growing them too.
Holy cow...and I was feeling all overwhelmed because Liv is snack manager at school next week AND I promised that we would bake Lakota Pumpkin/pinenut bread for her presentation on the Lakota tribe at school.
Baking makes me dizzy and sort of sick.
If I had to teach embroidery, plan a latin dance and have Liv show me a boob, I would probably have to take to my bed.
I'm sort of in awe here.
Ok, so you can reap the benefit of my therapy session last week, where I spouted this brilliant assessment in the middle of EMDR....
"I can do everything. One thing at a time."
Well, duh!!
I was amazed by this revelation at the time, now it seems pitifully trite. But you know what, as I've been going through the last week, I've been carrying it around in my mind. And all of life's freak- have seemed manageable.
Good luck!
(My Latin dancing skills are also a source of amusement to my students! Totally relate)
that would be "freak-outs"
Hi ate, have fun with all those! I wanna freak out too.
bless your heart! I know the feeling! The boy recently announced the presence of "man hair"! I just knew all my hair would turn white instantly!!
Wow, your plate is definitely full. I wouldn't ever want to put my ahem, latin dancing skills on display!
And I feel your boob pain...I was flat as a freaking board until I was in 8th freaking grade, and they hurt coming in, small as they were. The nerve.
I was reading through the comments and came to Alice and thought I'd spit my water onto the screen! My son also announced his man hair issue. I had just recovered from the really smelly pits and pimples he had developed. Sigh.
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