Monday, November 17, 2008

Sky Mall

My original purpose in starting a blog was so that I could post about all the crazy stuff in the Sky Mall catalogues that I peruse while flying. The cat massagers, heated toothbrushes, replicas of the earrings Hermione Granger wore in the Yule Ball scenes of Harry Potter IV… Then I got busy blogging about other stuff, but the Sky Mall catalogues still amuse me. Oh My God! Can you believe it? You can get special liners for your votive candle holders that keep the candle holders clean and play a festive holiday tune!

My absolute favorite, though, is the alarm clock that, when it goes off in the morning, also launches the alarm mechanism into the air. It shoots off across the room, forcing you to wake up sufficiently to find it in order to turn it off.

Last time we flew somewhere (which was to Oregon in August), I took the Sky Mall catalogue from my seat back carrier to amuse the kids on the long car trip that followed. Then, a few weeks ago, a new Sky Mall catalogue appeared in my mail box at work. It took me a second, but then I realized what that MEANT. They’ve found me. How? I didn’t order anything! No way! Ordering something is not what Sky Mall is all about. I mean, there may be people who do order something, but…well…I don’t know who…

So, how did they find me? The only way I can imagine is that the flight attendants have to look through all the seat back carriers after every flight and record which seats no longer have a Sky Mall. Then, they match that information to the seating assignments and put my name on the Sky Mall mailing list! And now I’m going to get Sky Mall catalogues at my…work? Wait! How did they get my WORK address??? It’s all a bit sinister, if you ask me.

Or actually, not. My friend Moira came up to me the other day and asked me if I got the Sky Mall catalogue she put in my box. She had been on a flight the week before and brought it back with her. Oh.


The World According To Me said...

I need one of those alarm clocks!

I like your theory. Sometimes theories are more interesting than fact!

super hero said...

that alarm clock is really a great idea. i intentionally put my cell phone away from me at nights so that i have to get up and turn it down when it alarms in the mornings. and sometimes i wouldnt even do that if my wife doesnt tell to shut the thing off.

Coco said...

My mom is so thoughtful.

dive said...

I'm joining the queue for the alarm clock, Kate.
Having to get up at 4:40AM every weekday I have two alarms (in case of battery failure) in the furthest reaches of my bedroom so I have to get out of bed to switch them off.
The trouble is that I tend to do it on autopilot now so a couple of times I have found myself falling straight back into bed and sleeping late without meaning to.
A roving, sneaky, hiding alarm clock is just what I need.

Jessica Oakley said...
