Thursday, November 13, 2008

When Crack Kills

I didn’t see the spider on the ceiling until I was already in the shower and wet. I hate that. It was directly over my head, perfectly positioned to drop right onto me. I had to keep an eye on it, shampooing as quickly as I could. I resent this, as my hot shower at the end of a long day is one of my greatest life pleasures (pathetic, I know).

As the steam rose, the spider sensed trouble and started making its way closer to the wall. Good, 'cause I was seriously compromising my cervical vertebrae; bad, cause it kept losing its footing on the steamy ceiling and almost falling right onto my face. It would crawl, drop and catch itself. Crawl, drop and catch itself. Finally, it made its way toward a corner and I relaxed. I rinsed my hair, and when I turned around to check on it again, it was gone. Empty expanse of spiderless ceiling. My worst spider nightmare come true. Where is the little bass tard? S***! S***s***s***. Maybe it dropped onto the little shelf where the shampoo bottles hang out. I gingerly poked them to the right and left, but no sign of the spider. GASP! What if it’s in my hair??? I slicked my hand across my wet head, horrified. Couldn’t feel anything. BIGGER GASP! It’s on me in an undisclosed location! AH! AH! A frantic search, and…it was clinging to the small of my back. If he thinks he’s going to hide in that crack, he’s got another thing coming.


Trysha said...

I hate when that happens! As I comment while watching "something" on teh arch above the patio door.'s gone. Crap.

super hero said...

dont worry. spiders dont usually fall on humans. unless they are not hungry and they want to eat your flesh.. err, ok, worrry.

The World According To Me said...

Eek. Showering with a spider!
I remember when one crawled onto my towel and then onto my skin. I dropped my towel, violently shook my body and screamed the house down - completely starkers. Luckily I was home alone. Spiders are horrible.

Coco said...

EWWWWWie! I would have totally slipped on my ass in the shower due to me dancing around frantically to get the spider off. Ick.

dive said...

Ahhh … Spideys are cute.
This one obviously had taste, too. Hee hee.

Erin said...

bugs in the shower are the worst! In my last apartment I had wasps in my shower with me on more than one occasion. Not a fun scenario.

Susan in Lille said...

HA! Isn't it nice that you have a blog so that you can entertain so many people with that fantastic story?! Thanks for making me smile from the other side of the write so should publish...maybe you do! Maybe you are famous and I just don't know it!

Katherine said...

LOL! Kate, you're the best! That's my worry with bugs as well--where the hell are they going to go? It's not so much their ugly-factor as their erratic behaviour.

Amrita said...

I 've gotten over my arachnaphobia I guess, I just sweep 'em away with a broom or something.

Lillian said...

OMGosh worst nightmare come true! I nearly squealed just reading this.

Maria said...

Ugh. I got cold shivers when I read this. And it reminded me of the time when I was in the shower and and went to step out and saw a mouse sitting on the bath mat. I think we both looked at each other and screamed bloody murder...

cinnibonbon said...

LOL...I'm glad you haven't lost your sense of humor in that panic attack!

islandgirl4ever2 said...

Hehe... That's a funny story... I should share mine about the big "water bug" that came up through my drain and walked on my foot... Water bug is a very nice way of saying HUGEEEEEE UGLY COCKROACH!!!! I screamed soooo loud my neigbours probably thought I was being murdered!!!
(Just stopping by from Susan's blog, btw)... Nice to read your post... I'll check out your others...
Have a nice day!
Leesa : )

Alice Kildaire said...

That was hilarious but I feel your fear! The only thing worse than knowing a spider is there is having no idea where it's gone!