I work at the sort of non-profit where stuff gets donated when people clean house. You just never know what may turn up. Christmas ornaments shaped like flying fruit; a game of Chicken Limbo (Which plays a clucking calypso tune until it gets bunped, after which it squawks wildly); 70 Scrabble games (we still have a few); a giant plastic iguana as long as my arm; headless Barbies... This darling clown figurine was, in my opinion, much improved by shining a flashlight on it for terrifying effect.
Eeew! Creepy! Chuckie and the Clown!
Kate, I don't know if I'm more afraid of this, or a bear attack. Dude. Seriously.
Ahhhhhh! Oh wait, it's just a, uh, clown. Right, like that clown in Stephen King's IT.
By the way...TAG! You're it! I've tagged you for 8 Random Facts About Me. What you've got to do now is post 8 random facts about Kate and then tag 8 other people. I cheated and only tagged 3...lucky you. ;)You've just so got to be loving me right now. Am I right???
EVERYBODY loves ya David, right?
Kate, you make me laugh. I can't wait for Camp Misconduct.
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