Monday, June 18, 2007

A Special Blog For My Friend Diane

Thanks, Diane, for giving me Thin Mints. The ambrosia of Girl Scout Cookies. Excellent with a good Merlot.


Anonymous said...

What is it about merlot that makes it go well with certain foods, like chocalate? I love merlot with a thick juicy steak, but hate it with pasta.


Kate said...

Howdy, Stranger!

(I'm still in cowboy mode) I don't totally understand that, either. There are experts whose careers are made by telling us what wine and food go together. Sometimes I wonder if I don't drink red wine with fish simply because I've been told not to? What about if there's beef on the pasta? Stroganoff, maybe? Then what?

Diane said...

Ah, don't listen to "experts"- it's all a bunch of hooey anyway... Now they're telling us that certain whites do go with beef and certain reds go with fish - balderdash! ... drink whatever is handy, that's what I say!