What to do in this situation?
- Stand like a stunned ox, mouth hanging open, reading the one line over and over like it's going to reveal a secret explanation, a la Tolkien.
- Stand like a stunned ox, mouth hanging open, holding the same letter out to the Executive Director. Perhaps she can break the code and reveal the hidden motive.
- Realize that my mouth has been hanging open for a while and my tongue is drying out. Shut mouth.
- Lock myself in the ladies room and put my head between my knees for a few minutes as I realize that I have to make a major hire, pronto, during the Christmas holidays, and that this teacher's classes will somehow have to be covered. Snivel a little when I remember that I have three grant proposals due in the next week and hadn't really planned on fitting a hiring/training into my schedule.
- Look at the empty desk and think that, well, it WAS filthy, and now I will at least get a chance to dust it.
- Eat chocolate.
Probably not getting a "Chicken Dance" Button for Christmas herself put her over the edge...
How much chocolate on hand did you say you have?
Well, I don't have any; but Christie has a big canister of truffles on top of her credenza. I raided those (she'll forgive me...), then got a burger nad fries for lunch. I have no problems that can't be at least partially healed by chocolate and grease.
"Eat Chocolate" that works best in ANY situation! LOL Gosh... what happened? But then if you knew THAT..you wouldnt be standing there like an ox with your mouth open, right???
I just can't believe you didn't eat the chocolate first! You are a stronger woman than me, Kate!
i worry about people and the bizarre lives they lead.... everyone has secrets. i wonder what makes people finally crack without a word.
That is so bizarre! Why wouldn't she give notice? Strange.
Elizabeth - My question precisely. I've been over it and over it in my head, trying to think of a situation that would cause me to desert my friends, colleagues, adoring studnets and volunteers without a single word after nine years; and I can't think of a single plausible scenario. I'm amusing myself by thinking of some implausible ones. How the hell is "implausible" spelled? That looks so wrong to me. (sigh) Time for bed. Plenty of new fuck-ups await in the morning, I'm sure.
Hi Kate,
Wishing you and your family a merry christmas and a fabulous new year. God bless!
isnt she supposed to give a notice some time before she actually resigns?
Two weeks is the generally accepted time frame in which to give your resignation. Unless of course you need to leave town in a hurry. Your organization isn't "missing" any financial assets...???
Talk about a shock. Guess you never really know what's going with a person...
And yes, there's always chocolate ;-)
We ask for a two week notice, but there's nothing we can do about it if someone just leaves. Except hate her.
Oh my GOD! Wow. What a shock. You have no idea why, huh?
I used to be infamous for the mess in my office. Just piles of crap everywhere. One day I couldn't stand it any more, so I stayed until almost midnight cleaning and organizing. I was greeted the next morning by hysterical coworkers who thought I'd quit. "Guys" I said, "if I'd actually quit don't you think I'd take my toys and tchokes with me and left the mess behind? Sheesh!!"
Good luck filling the post...and Happy New Year to All :-D
Well, that just sucks the big one, Kate.
Now, I am scared to go in to my office at the university....
That is so odd to just have someone quit like that and to do it at a time when she probably figured there wouldn't be a lot of traffic in the place....I'd be wondering if her husband is looking for her or something. Some sort of bad blood in her home life since her work life seemed intact. How awful that she didn't feel that she could talk to anyone.
What a shocker!
Sorry to hear that. I can imagine how you must have felt.
Are you still eating chocolate?!
You know...and maybe I'm just giving this more thought than necessary...but having grown up in rural Wisconsin & thus, having stood nose to nose with my share of cows (which B.T.W. are very similar to Oxen in their disposition)...I can't say as I'd be able to distinguish the difference betwix a stunned ox vs. a non-stunned ox. They all pretty much seem to look at you with the same kind of blank stare. (Hee hee)
Anonymously, John
yes, I agree chocolate can be a wonderful short term solution. Particularly when combined with a good red wine.
I can't believe a professional would DO that. Inconceivable! I hope she is ok...
Happy New Year, Kate.
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