Thursday, March 13, 2008

Oh, Spare Me

Our local supermarket is the closest grocery store to four local ski resorts, so it's always full of sunburned people with east-coast accents who can't find anything.

I was in the pasta aisle with my kids and watched a guy go over to a pretty, 50-ish woman and say, "Hey, are you from around here? Do you know the area?"
"No, I'm not from around here."
"Oh. Well, I'm looking for a Blockbuster. Well. Hmm. By the way, where are you from?"
"I'm from Florida."

At this point, she was clearly done chatting with him. In fact, he had obviously lost her from "Hello". He moved away from her, down the aisle.

As I passed him, I stopped and told him that I had heard his question, and that I know where there's a Blockbuster. It's easy to find, even if you're not familiar with the area; so, I gave him directions and part way through telling him, it hit me: he was not tuned in at all. He was not interested in Blockbuster. But, what do you do? I just... finished telling him, he smiled this fakey smile and thanked me,and I went on down the aisle, with my ears feeling little bit hot. He moseyed back toward the other lady, who was still in the aisle

"Soooo...I lived in Michigan once. How long have you lived there?"

I felt like turning around and saying, "Look, Buddy. She's not that into you. Can't you tell? Go find Blockbuster, rent a movie and call it good for tonight."


Anonymous said...

wow...pick-up at the store? ha ha...obviously know what HIS intentions were.... creep.....

Anonymous said...

Maybe had you tried asking his opinion on the merits of a stiff zucchini or the firmness of cantaloup in Fruits & Vegetables, the outcome may have been more favorable???

(just a Wisconsin guy thinking out loud here :)

Anonymously, John

Rebecca said...

Geez, you try to be helpful...LOL. What a jerk. I hope she gave him a whithering look, and told him to go, well.... you, know...

Amrita said...

flirty guy that was. How old was he?

Maria said...

God, didn't you just wanna go up to him and say something outrageous, like ask him if he knew where the kind sized condoms were?

He probably read that article that I did in one of those stupid magazines where they said that some of the sexiest women in the United States could be found in supermarkets. They went on to suggest to be clueless and ask for her help.

As I read that, I couldn't help thinking that I usually look my worst in the grocery store. No makeup, child in tow, pressed for time....

Elizabeth Penmark said...

It was still really sweet of you to give him directions even though he was a total jerk about it. :)

dive said...

What a lame pick-up line. Is he seriously trying to impress a woman by saying that he shops there?
Wierd …

cinnibonbon said...

What a moron. I bet he wasn't even attractive and he was probably trying to pick up on a beautiful woman.. LAME A$$...LOL

Sorry he was a jerk to you...