Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's All About the Cookies

Yes, it's Girl Scout Cookie time again! Sara and I were out delivering cookies until bedtime, and my car is full of boxes ordered my my colleagues at school.

Today, my coworker, Ray, bustled in to the office and emphatically placed $3.50 on my desk. "Kate! I'm ready to pick up my cookies." I checked his order, went out to my car and returned with a box of Trefoils.

"OK. I just need to trade these for a box of the Samoas."
"Oh, sorry, Ray. The cookies I have are all pre-ordered and I don't have extras right now. All the Samoas I have are spoken for."
[Crestfallen. Very crestfallen.] "Oh. You're kidding me."
"Well, Ray, if you wanted Samoas, why didn't you order them?"

Time for true confessions. He has a coworker at his other job who brought in a box of Samoas. "Haven't you ever had these?! Here! Try one!" He did. Then she set the box down and left the room. Big mistake: Ray polished off the whole box, "...before I knew what I was doing!" Gosh, I could have told this lady that Ray is NOT TO BE TRUSTED around sweets. Now he wants to get his hands on another box of Samoas before she realizes what he has done.

I looked down the order form and told him the names of the teachers who had ordered lots of Samoas. "You'll need to take your box of Trefoils around and see if anyone wants to trade." He had no success. First of all, it's not a fair trade. Everyone knows that Samoas are second best, surpassed only by Thin Mints. Trefoils are kind of the Pope's nose of Girl Scout Cookies. And anyway, I went to all these same people in advance and told them to give him maximum crap and play tough with the negotiations. When I left this afternoon, he was still trying to get someone to give him a box of Samoas. I heard one of the teachers say she'd sell him a box for $4.


anantadharma said...

What's a trefoil? In my world, trefoil is a leguminous forage crop. I hope they don't taste like hay.

cinnibonbon said...

LOL..great fun! Oh send the poor man to Walmart to get one from the scouts selling their cookies out there--you all are messing with him!!! Yeah and whatthe hell is a TREFOIL?!!