Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Today's High and Low

As I sometimes do when my life isn't very blogable, I'll play my "high point / low point" game. You can play as well by writing about the best moment and the worst moment of your day today. (This works best at the end of a day.) There's a good chance that your high won't be very high and your low won't be too low, but dig deep - try to figure out what moments they are.

Low Point

K's mom. K. loves to play with my son Nathan at daycare after school. They always come up to me when I get there and beg for a play date. I've tried, like, five times to set something up, calling K's house to be told, vaguely, that they aren't sure how the day is going to go, yet; they think they might go over to the local pool at some point this afternoon...maybe if we're all there at the same, unspecified time, the boys could play. Sometimes, she tells me that her husband has stepped out to do some errands, and she needs to talk with him about what he has planned for the day, then she doesn't call back. Other times, I just leave multiple voice messages. K's mom and I arrived at the same time today, so K. and Nathan came to both of us and asked us together. Play date? Play date? K's mom laughed and made eye-contact with me. She didn't quite roll her eyes. "Yeah, sure!" she said in a fakey tone of voice that said, "When donkeys fly!" I decided not to let it pass and said, "You bet. We're not doing anything special for the next couple of weekends. I have your number! I'll call you this weekend and we can figure it out! Byeeee! Talk to you later!" I can't figure her out. Nathan's other friends all come over to play without reporting neglect or abuse... I sometimes wonder if it's a religion thing. Or maybe she's just really, really disorganized.

High Point

Talking with Sara and Nate at supper. We talked about issues. They are both pretty upset about the population of highland gorillas that is caught up in the fighting in Republic of Congo. In Sara's opinion, we should call off the war in Iraq, redeploy the soldiers to Congo, beat the mean guys who are killing the rangers and save the gorillas. Simple! Regretfully, I explained the notion of national sovereignty and pointed out that it would be a case of extricating ourselves from one civil war in order to plop ourselves down in the midst of another. It made me happy, though, that she has actually been thinking the problem through and trying to come up with solutions. (Sniff!) My baby's going to grow up to be an activist! I'm so proud! (I'm dabbing my eyes.)


Katherine said...

I like this game.

High: FINALLY some cool, fall weather to take the dog for a walk in!! LOVE IT.

Low: Hmmmmm. If I don't really have a "low" does that mean I really have more than one "high"?

The World According To Me said...

I like these games too.

Yesterday, my high was: Speaking to my oldest friend (we have known each other since we were four) who lives many miles away from me now, and arranging to see her tonight. I can't wait!

My low was: Having chicken pie for dinner. I'm not a big fan of pies.

Maria said...

"When donkeys fly?"

That is so frackin rude! I felt like punching her in the nose for you.

And boy does the world need Sarah....

Anonymous said...

K's mom has a bug up her butt & she's blowing you off. Ignore her...she's being an asshole. Let the boys be friends best they can.


Alice Kildaire said...

Hmmm...makes me wonder if K's mom has something to hide? Of course, I'm a suspicious sort.

Amrita said...

I loke this HP/LP thing. Wish I could summaize my day like this.
The HP was really goo.
I answereed your question on my blog

Alice Kildaire said...

oh um, high point/low point....

High Point: The Boy telling me all about a girl at school who likes him and showing me the note she slipped him today. (Yes, he likes her too.)

Low Point: The Husband rejecting me earlier.