Thursday, September 20, 2007

Camp Cloud Rim

So, Sara's first Girl Scout outing was a canoe workshop at Camp Cloud Rim. It's called "Cloud Rim", I suppose, because it's so damn high. Maybe 9,000 feet. Hence the many layers worn by everybody and my fervent wish that I had smuggled a hip-flask along.

As soon as I heard there were canoes involved, I was all over it. I even bugged off work on Tuesday night to be a chaperon. The only bummer is that, to get up to Camp Cloud Rim involves driving all the way up Big Cottonwood Canyon, right past the the little "closed in winter" road that leads back into the woods where we used to live. Would we stop and trek down the road to look at "our" cabin, asked Sara? No way. I made that mistake once, right after we sold it to a guy from California who wanted it for a winter ski getaway. Walking past my house and seeing it standing empty was sad. I didn't literally walk right up and press my nose against the front window, but I did emotionally. Nah! Let's just drive on by this time.

Here she is, ready to go. Do you think she looks nervous? Lighten up, Sara!

That's better! It's cool to be chillin' with her friend N., and to have her own paddle.

Even the launch of the Spanish Armada cannot compare.

Here I am, in "Saturn" with Sara and N. At the moment, I'm sitting down in the middle like a good girl. I spent a lot of the time maneuvering myself under the cross braces, backward and forward, so I could get at one girl or another and adjust her grip. Pretty much ensured a wet ass. But at the moment that his photo was taken, everything was working. Nobody fell in, we saw three moose and there were hot dogs for supper. Sara doesn't like hot dogs, so I got hers as well as mine. Thanks, Sara!


The World According To Me said...

Looks cold but fun! I have never been canoeing but I would like to give it a whirl.

How can she not like hot dogs?!

Diane said...

Maybe she got sick on them like I did once. Didn't eat 'em for years after that. but our program's picnics have converted me back into a hot-dog-eatin' fool!

Maria said...

Consider yourself very very lucky that I wasn't along. I would have been the one who upturned the boat or got poison ivy or chased by snakes or bears or something.

It is my fate: It is ALWAYS me. I am ALWAYS that mom.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a blast! What lake are you on?

I agree with the-world-according-to-me's comment: how can she not like hot dogs? I find hot dogs a delightful treat. Now, except that it's 9:30 in the morning, I am desiring a fat, juicky quarter-pound dog with mayo, ketchup, mustard, relish, cheese and onions. Well, maybe two. [I just thought of a way to get hot dogs on the supper club menu--a Ball Park Food theme.]

By the way, I guarantee that Weber would have ended up in the water on this trip. She's a natural at flipping canoes. Just ask her.

Gypsy Jane said...

Hi, back. I'm now linked to your blog, and about to post canoes on mine too :)
- Gypsy Jane