Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Thanks, blog-buddies, for your excellent insights regarding my cousin. Now, I'm just waiting for her to call and say she's on her way. I'm thinking (at least this is my thought at the moment), that I won't call her. She knows where to find me.

In the meantime, other things are competing for my attention, as usual. Peaches are getting ripe, so the peach processing plant has opened for business. This essay is entitled, "How I Spent My Labor Day Weekend".

In spite of losing a big bough a few weeks ago, the tree is loaded with an overwhelming amount of fruit; some of it is pristine, some bird-pecked, some crawling with earwigs. I'm not afraid of earwigs per se, but they scuttle onto my hand and startle me and I scream and drop the peach. Ooof.

Luckily, they don't all ripen at once, so every day, I go out and pick the ones that are ready. This was Sunday's haul.

In clear violation of child labor laws, Nate and Sara work in the peach processing plant, slipping the skins off the scalded peaches. Fine, call OSHA.

Yum! Pies, crisps, cobblers, chutneys, salsas...Cool, but I have to keep this up for a week or so. I have another date with the "Fruit Fresh" bottle late tonight after work.
In other news, I put Nathan on the bus to Kindergarten this morning. He's ready: he's been cramming "Hop on Pop" all weekend. But when I went in to wake him up this morning, his little eyes popped open and he said, "I don't wanna ride the bus! Please, Mommy, don't put me on the bus! What if I can't find my teacher?" I reminded him that we've practiced going to the right place, and that Sara would help him. RIGHT, Sara!?! She promised she would, in her most cloying and patronizing tone. For once, Nate didn't whack her for it. ("Don't worry, Sweetie!" [she strokes his hair] "I'll show you exactly what to do, 'kay?") Oh, gack. This, from the girl who just last night wanted Nate evicted permanently from her room because he kept farting and she didn't want the smell to contaminate her stuffed animals.

So, good luck today, Nate! And remember:
1. Go potty! Don't stand there clutching your crotch until it's too late.
2. Your "get to know me" Show & Tell bag is in your backpack, with the 5 objects that you chose: the petroglyph fridge magnet; the magic wand made out of a peeled stick; the transformer; the octopus finger-puppet and the bolo tie. WHAT they tell about you is a little bit of a mystery to me, but hey, you'll come up with something, I'm sure.
3. The wand needs to stay in the bag after Show & Tell. No "unforgivable curses", please.
4. "CUP. PUP. Cup on pup." Words to live by.
5. You're brilliant! I love you! (Sniff! Sniff!) (I wave my imaginary handkerchief at your receding form...)


Diane said...

I'm not sure if it's OSHA we need to call.... maybe Child & Family Services......

As for earwigs, I *despise* them. They had infested my pea plants one year and I waited until the vines were bone dry and crispy, then lit them on fire with a propane torch and watched with glee as the roasting earwigs lept from the wire trellis. Bwa-ha-ha!

Alice Kildaire said...

You absolutely amaze me at everything you manage to accomplish in such a short span of time! Your energy knows no end!

But what kind of mom are you? Working your kids in that sweatshop, allowing your daughter to be exposed to noxious gases and leaving your son at the mercy of his evil sister! lol

BTW, hose peaches look really yummy!!

Trysha said...

This reminds me of the Presidents of the United States song:
Millions of Peaches,
Peaches for me,
Millions of Peaches,
Peaches for free.

I had to go back and read your post about 4 times because I kept getting distracted by the soundtrack in my head. LOL!

Weber said...

OMG! Nate's going to kindergarten? Have you warned his teacher about his sense of humor. I can't wait to hear the stories from parent-teacher conference.

The World According To Me said...

Hi Kate

Firstly, I was sorry to read the news about your cousin. I hope things sort themself out.

Loved the peaches pictures.
And here's to your sons first day at Kindergarten!

Rebecca said...

The peaches look amazing! Everything you plan to make makes my mouth just water!!

Congrats on Nate's first day of Kindergarten.

Anonymous said...

yes congrats on the first day... sorry. just lurking.. waiting out this typhoon before i log back into my blog... hmmm yeah child and family services....not like they'd do anything anyways! HA....
peaches look amazing and your kids look more than ready for school! aly starts 1st grade next april...sooo we'll be going through that ourselves REAL soon...

Donetta said...

Hello, Wow your tree is one majoor producer. Very heavily laden. They look wonderful. How good for the little ones to learn to work foods and be a part of the whole. I big hug for you as you see your son off to k.

Maria said...

Oh. I ADORE peach cobbler. I wish that we had a fruit bearing tree. We have a freakin strawberry patch and that is it. And those strawberries look seriously anemic to me...

I am canning and freezing all my vegetables this week for winter, also picking all my herbs to dry in the basement for Christmas gifts. It DOES get tiresome sometimes, but doesn't it just make you feel great to see all those mason jars. I get very Laura Ingalls Wilder when I look at mine....

And your son will be great, just make sure that he doesn't turn any students into gerbils with his wand. Tell him to save it for Hogwarts...

Amrita said...

Ooo I love peaches.We get them here too. But this year I haven 't bought any.I love peach jam.

The kids look so cute. Enjoy school Sara and Nate

Katherine said...

Oh Kindergarten! That is HUGE! Did you cry because your youngest is now big???

What a great metaphor for Kindergarten and all other big steps in life: "Luckily, they don't all ripen at once, so every day, I go out and pick the ones that are ready."

Here's to growing up!

Unknown said...

mmmm...i love peaches