At Guadalupe Schools, the buses have seat belts. Yesterday, 3-year-old
Xander stuck is finger in that little square opening in the flat metal part of the seat belt buckle. Then he couldn't get it out, so the bus driver brought him back to school and after about 45 minutes of messing around with it, called the fire department.
Great excitement among the preschoolers when the big red truck arrived, discharging 5 burly firefighters and a can of Pam. Pam and dental floss did the trick.
Yeah, it won't be long & Xander will be trying to get "other" things stuck in "other" holes....only he'll probably won't want you to spray it with cooking spray. lol
OMG!!! Would never have thought of PAM! Poor kid.
Was that Martha's Xander? Poor thing.
The whole time I was reading this, I kept thinking of the pot of lip gloss that I carry around in my purse....
Now, that would come in handy.
hmmm yeah...who woulda thought? baby oil? anything oily woulda worked right?
Good to know. Sometimes my seatbelt gets stuck and I panic...
great story so enjoyed it
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