Thursday, September 6, 2007

Dave Kerring

Every time I mentioned United Way's "Day of Caring" this past month, my colleagues would laugh. "Dave Kerring? Who's he?"

Now it's over, so we can allow this dog-eared joke to die. Right, Diane?

I'm lacking blogability this evening. Too much stuff competing for my emotional attention.

  1. My cousin left me a message today. She'll be staying with a friend for a week, then come to my place for a week. After that...uh...back to the other friend, I guess. Musical Guest Rooms.
  2. Lately, I've started having long conversations with an old friend on the phone, and I feel strange because I'm not good on the phone. Face to face is so much better. The phone is the medium guaranteed to make me come across like a dork.
  3. And Simon has announced that he thinks he is having a mid-life crisis. Oh, goodie. We haven't really delved in to what this might mean, yet, but he's ordering a book from Amazon, so it must be serious. I don't know what book, yet. One of my friends said to me, "Is it 'Seasons of Manhood?' You'd better hope it's not 'Seasons of Manhood'." God, I really can't imagine Si reading a book with such a drippy name. This could make for humorous blog fodder in the future. We'll see.

So for tonight, I'm reduced to my "High Point / Low Point" game. If you'd like to play along... you need to write the single best moment and the single worst moment from your day, even if the high wasn't that high or the low wasn't that low. I do this from time to time, and I love reading everyone else's highs and lows.

OK, for me the high point was this morning when my husband pushed the "Public Forum" section of the Salt Lake Tribune across the breakfast table to show me that my letter had been published. I was glad because the letter I was responding to was so egregiously illogical and xenophobic. I respond in my official capacity to every anti-immigrant letter that appears in the Tribune, but I never get published. Usually, I'm genteel, so as not to embarrass my school. This letter was only worthy of a snarky response, though, so I wrote in as just me. Next time, though, I need to remember that I should remove my e-mail signature and contact information in that case....

Low point: I headed up a team of corporate volunteers on a cleaning project for Dave Kerring ( I mean Day. Of. Caring.) I brought cleaning stuff from home, they brought some stuff, too...When they had finished, they packed up and left with (I think) my galvanized steel bucket and two screwdrivers that I'd swiped from Simon's tool box this morning without saying anything about it to him. I can call the volunteers tomorrow and ask if they have my stuff ("Thanks so much for your hard work yesterday, and for your service to our community. Do you think that perhaps a big metle bucket and some screwdrivers managed to find their way home with you?" Oh, ick.); or I can buy a couple of screwdrivers, pronto.

How about you? High point? Low Point?


Kate said...

OK, Diane, I'll beat you to it. I know how to spell "metal", OK?

Elizabeth Penmark said...

My low point yesterday was when I broke down in tears while sitting in front of my computer at home because I was hurting so much over my break up. My high point was later in the evening when Michael and I talked on the phone. It was a cleansing, cathartic conversation. He and I both agreed that a couple of things need to happen before we could ever be successful together. I felt more at peace after that.

Rebecca said...

High point: Calling my Aunt to hear that my Uncle came through his sinus cavity roto-router procedure not THAT much worse for wear.

Low point: not low enough to even recall :)

Amrita said...

don 't was pretty placid.

Maya said...

My high point: getting through my first two full weeks of school unscathed.

Low point: My daughters very good friend was in a terrible work related accident and lost a few fingers.

Anonymous said...

High Point/Low Point ... what's that?

My "mid-life" crisis consisted of getting a (smallish)zodiac Taurus bull tatooed on my shoulder. Only the nurse of my endocrinologist, Dr. Boo Boo Gone, later commented she thought it looked too much like a little lamb.

Mid-life crisis' are way too over-rated. Just download a bunch of iTunes of the Bee Gees/Saturday Night Fever & crank the stereo.

He'll feel much better after pretending to be John Travolta for a few hours. :)



Maria said...

God, the last time Bing had a mid life crisis, she bought a motorcycle. I hate that thing. I always remind her to wear her hat and she patiently corrects me. It is called a helmet, apparently.

High point? Getting to bed and reading for a half hour before falling asleep.

Low point? Having a client tell me that he found me to be kind of "a cold woman to be analyzing people." (I freelance by analyzing job applicants for employers sometimes.)

Diane said...

Oh, man, I've got a rep! I wasn't gonna mention the typo....

Diane said...

High point (of yesterday): eating a Jr. Fat Boy ice cream sandwich. (I didn't know they *made* Jr. versions.
Low point: having the laptop freeze 10 minutes into a torture session (read: BEST testing a super-low-level new student) and having to tell him we'd start over next time. (Hope he comes back!)

Amrita said...

Hi Kate, hope you got your stuff back from "Dave Kerring" Ha-ha-ha1

The flag thingi code can be coped and pasted from Its really nice

Alice Kildaire said...

Low point for Friday: Finding out my child had directly violated one of Momma's rules (AND walked several feet down a busy road to do it!)

High point for Friday: When confronted, The Boy did not lie to me anout his transgression. We may be mmaking progress!

Oh and BTW, the other day I received a letter from the Dali Lama requesting my financial assistance. Enclosed in the package were tiny Tibetan prayer flags, which of course made me think of you.