That was Friday. I can finally laugh about it.
I had to give an all-day training that started at 9:30, and my plan was to be there at 8:45 to set up. I don't know why both my alarm and my husband's didn't go off; but at 8:20, Sara appeared at our bedside saying, "Hey, don't we have school today?" You know that horrible feeling when you open your eyes and know the the light in your room is all wrong and that it must be incredibly late? OMG! I sprang out of bed and landed in a crouch. "Ah! Ah! What time is it!?" I was so lucky that Sara actually decided to wake us up. A few more minutes and I would have been in big trouble. Thanks, Sara!
No breakfast, no tea, no big deal. Tearing hurry. I arrived at my destination and picked up both of the big, heavy cases of materials I needed for the training. Normally, I would make two trips, but there was no time. I made it into the building, staggered to the elevator, reached to push the button and dropped my keys. Loaded as I was, the floor may as well have been five miles away.
Then came THE WORST part. I was setting up for the training and getting all my stuff laid out. One of the main components of the training involves watching video clips. Hours' worth. I grabbed the video case out of my briefcase and realized that it was... empty. My heart stopped. The training room was filling up with people who had come from all over the state. One lady had flown in for the day. And where the HELL was my video? I literally broke out in a cold sweat. I remembered that I had used it last about 6 weeks ago, at another school in Salt Lake. Here's where luck was once again with me.
- My previous training had been in Salt Lake, and not in some other city.
- When I called that school and asked to talk to my colleague, Ted, he was actually in his office and picked up the phone. That must be a first.
- My video was lying around in the room where I had last used it, and he found it.
- (This is big) He offered to drive it to me. Not a short distance, either: about 30 minutes, one way. Ted, what would you like? Half my training fee? Sexual favors? You name it buddy. "Aw, buy me a beer sometime," he said. I'm dropping off a case of premium micro-brews at his office on Monday morning. I could cry, I'm so grateful.
My hands shook for two hours, from the shock of the missing video. Big deal.
An instructor barged in during the training and yelled, "I don't know who told you that you could use this room, but I've had it booked for a month, so clear out NOW!" I'm not exaggerating. But I scarcely noticed her.
The company that catered lunch didn't bring enough food. I always eat last at these trainings, and by the time I got to the buffet table, there was almost nothing left. I was starving because I hadn't eaten breakfast.... I thought the half of a roll I managed to score was the best-tasting thing I had ever eaten.
When the training was over, I carefully checked the room to make sure I was not forgetting anything, but still I have managed to lose my phone. Oh, well. I'll get it back.
At home, Nate fell and hit the back of his head on a table. I picked him up to comfort him and next thing I knew, we were both covered in blood. I mean soaked. It's amazing how much even a little cut on the head bleeds. I calmly put pressure on the cut until it stopped bleeding, peeled off our bloody clothes, pre-treated them with a little "Tide", and told Nate it was time for bed.
Oh! And the lamb chops turned out well, but the recipe said to broil them, which created a lot of lamb-y smelling smoke, and my house now smells like a kebab stand. I've decided that I love the smell of scorched lamb fat.
I don't care about any of it. Thanks to Ted, I am the luckiest woman in Utah.
what an eventful day you had. and Ted deserves his beer (thank goodness not option number 2 LOL)
you must be so hungry .
Training Seminars From Hell...
I remember showing up at a professional conference a couple years ago to do an hour-long power point presentation....only to discover when I switched on my laptop at the beginning of my talk that I'd forgotten the cd I'd burned back at work.
If nearly 20 years as a public employee has taught me anything, it's how to B.S. my way through AND still sound professional. (Which I guess proves the old adage..."if you can't impress them with what you know...baffle them with bullshit.")
Even so, your FUBAR is in a league all it's own. I'm glad you survived. :)
talk about the worst possible time to oversleep! glad things worked out. did you find your phone?
I wonder if we all have horror stories about giving speeches or seminars, etc?
I once woke up feeling a little nauseated on the morning that I was to give an all day training session to a group of school psychologists. In the elevator, on the way to the room where it was held, I suddenly knew that I had to get to a bathroom NOW. I bolted out the elevator doors, ran into the bathroom and got to the toilet where I promptly exploded in a symphony of diarrhea which was followed by me flushing and then vomiting seconds later. I came out of the stall and the bathroom was full of women who I would soon be teaching....
I was so embarrassed.
yes indeed a FUBAR day! hmmm..would you have obliged if Ted had opted for #2???? What would dear hubby Si think about THAT???? LOL days like that start off bad and just get worse..i KNOW the feeling! here's to a good weekend!
Girl, I feel your pain. I also conduct training sessions for my firm and the panic that comes with problems is incredible. Glad all worked out.
Kate: lamb chops with crispy fat sounds like the perfect antidote to such a disastrous day. Glad you survived.
Maria: unfortunately, I was eating lunch while I read your comment. Ugh.
JYankee: Since Si is a marketing guy, he might have decided to make a little side business out of Ted's option #2. (just kidding, Si!)
What a crappy day you had! The one thing that could have made your day even worse was getting your period!
That didn't happen did it?
Oh, I'm so glad it is over for you. It was painful just reading it. :)
@ Seagrape: YEs, I called the place where I did the training, and they have my phone. Whew!
@ Maria: That is the absolute pits! I'm surprised you felt well enough to stand up and do the training!
@ Maya: No, I didn't get my period this time. That has happened, though. LOL!
I felt your anguish while reading that!
Glad you found your phone. At least that's something!
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