Saturday, November 10, 2007

Rain Man

I was unexpectedly interviewed by our local Fox affiliate on Thursday. As in, my boss burst into my office and said that Fox was doing a special report about whether or not immigrants really want to learn English. Would I do an interview? "Sure. When do they want to do it?" "They're on their way over." So much for camera-ready.

I hate watching myself on video. I mean, really hate it. Is this common, do you think? The mobility of my face, when I see it from the outside, looks weird to me. "Ooooh," I think. "Whoever she is, she needs to calm down." At any rate, I dispatched the interview; it ran during three time slots; I tolerated watching it once, (online, with my hair pulled over my eyes, like that's going to help) just to make sure they didn't edit my quotes out of context. In fact, they generously let me keep my sound bites intact. Duty done.

I was in the produce section yesterday (have you noticed that this seems to be where stuff happens?), and a man came over to me to comment on my choice of pomegranate. Then he looked at me intently and said, "Do I know you?" This happens sometimes at the local supermarket, resulting in the well-known verbal square dance: " your kids go to XYZ school? Play soccer? Do you live near here? Work out at the rec center?" I opened my mouth to start the routine, and I saw his light bulb come on (it must have been my open mouth that did it). I know! You were on TV! Wow!" I was completely freaked out; first, because he remembered my face after about 30 seconds on the air the day before; but especially because he was making an embarrassing scene about it. He was loud and effusive. "Wow!" Wanted to shake my hand. "Cool!" My eyes were bugging out of their sockets from startlement. Textbook "deer in the headlights". I pointed out that it was extraordinary for him to remember a face in that way. "I guess I just have a photographic memory!" he said, still thrilled. God, what would he have done if I were Angelina Jolie? Stuffed his face into my cleavage? Yeah, OK, what cleavage?

He must be some sort of savant. Unable to function in society, but remembers every face he's ever seen on TV.


Amrita said...

Very funny Kate!
I don 't like myself in photos or videos. Once they interviewed me on local TV at a fair, and that was nice.

Diane said...

Yes, it's common to hate watching yourself on video or listening to yourself on tape. But eye-opening.

Anonymous said...

I remember doing a TV spot for a CBS affiliate down in Milwaukee a couple years ago while at a conference.

I remember looking at the reporter asking me questions thinking, "Man, there's not a single hair on this guy's head that isn't out of place!"

My 15-minutes of fame.


Maria said...

I have seen myself on TV once and I was horror stricken. I was interviewed about teen suicide and I kept wondering why I was doing that weird thing with my lip. Did I do that all the time and not know it? Why didn't someone tell me?

I will never let that happen again.

I'm sure you looked groovy.

Anonymous said...

that was is okay...i dont like the sound of my voice though... do you?

Kate said...


No, I think my voice sounds funny, too, but I'm used to it. I guess I'm not on video often enough to become accustomed to the way I look. Maybe lots of Botox would help.

Katherine said...

Hey where is the link to your intervew, Kate? I really want to see it.

I hope you didn't show cleavage on camera. Hillary wouod be jealous.

Donetta said...

We are having a lot of problems with prejudiced here in Arizona . These poor souls are really suffering here. You know in my kids first grade class they even teach a bit of Spanish. I had a neighbor hire a family and the sweet mother had an infant int the truck and helping her husband work the yard. The neighbor did not even let the folks inside. I have a fellow who is so kind. He helps once in a while when I need to hire help with the trees. Even those who are legal are suffering. I wonder what your take on topic was?
We are becoming the minority now.

The World According To Me said...

Fame at last! Oh to be recognised in the supermarket!

I hate hearing my voice on an answer phone and always say "I don't really sound like that, do I?"

Elizabeth Penmark said...

Kate - give yourself a bit of credit. Perhaps the man remembered you because what you said actually MEANT something to him. Perhaps you touched him in some way. Don't sell yourself short by assuming that he was only interested in the "fame" angle.

There are still people out there who care about other people and the state of our world. You are one. I am one. Others here are as well. I keep on believing that those who care can make a difference - just like you do in the lives of the people you work with every day. I have to keep on believing that. I don't like the alternative.

Kate said...

Donetta- BIG question, how I feel about the issue of illegal immigration. It's so complex when you factor in the realities of NAFTA, the importation of cheap labor from other countries such as Thailand and South Africa...I could go on and on. It's important, though, not to allow people to oversimplify the controversy. Anyone with a simple, black and white anwswer needs to study the issue more. And I know that down in AZ, you are feeling the pinch of the negative effects more than we are in UT.

To sum up in a nutchell, though: I've been working with immigrants for 20 years, and I LOVE them. The immigrant famlies I know embody many of the values that we care about as Americans and I believe that my students have taught me WAY more than I have taught them. The current discussion about illegal immigration is important and the laws need to be changed. But it concernes me that this discussion is often overpowered by racists and ethnocentrists who have been convinced by the media that our national identity is at risk. We thought the same thing when the Irish came in large numbers. And Ben Franklin had some very unpleasant things to say about the Germans. Loving our neighbor doesn't mean loving them on our terms. And...and...and...I'll shut up, now.

cinnibonbon said...

LOL...too damn funny!!

Unknown said...

ha! ha! you're famous! :D