Monday, November 5, 2007


There's no school today, so I told Nate he could invite his friend B. to spend the night last tonight. B. had never slept away from his family before, and Nathan had never had a friend for an overnight, so this was a major deal. I pitched a tent in Sara's room, and they could pretend they were camping. All three of them spent the evening running around and around, pointing imaginary wands at each other and screaming "Avada Cadavera!!!". If two people screamed simultaneously and there was no clear "killer" and "killed", I would hear a long pause, followed by a muttered, "OK... 'Scissors, Rock, Paper', then. One, two three! OK, you have to die."

I also heard them discussing plans for later.
B: Well, they call it a "sleepover", but that's a dumb name.
Nate: Yeah, 'cause we're not going to sleep, huh, B.?
B: No, way. I mean. It's "sleepover" 'cause I come over, but we're not going to sleep.
Nate: No, we're stayin' up all night and sayin' potty words.
B: Yeah. Poopy, poopy, poopy.
Nate: You are a butt-butt.


They were both fast asleep before Simon was done reading to them.


Amrita said...

Looks like fun, wish i could sleep in a tent too ...under the stars.

Anonymous said...

yes..and dont you wish they would stay at that age where the WORSE thing they can say is "poopy" and "butt" ??? it just goes downhill from there...LOL!!! but yeah..sounded like great fun..i wanna camp (under the roof) too!

Erin said...

That's It... I'm inviting all my girlfriends over for a sleepover. They were so much fun! Especially when you tried to stay up all night... but just couldn't do it!

Amrita said...

My dryer 's busted. Now I have get it fixed

I have nominated you for the Colors of Friendship Award please visit my blog for it.

And I feel you deserve it all the more as you teach English to non-english speaking people.

The World According To Me said...

Brilliant post.

Arr the innocence and excitement of childhood! Makes me want to be kid again and have a sleep over.

Unknown said...

oh what fun! can't wait to host sleepovers.

Kate said...

We have a grown-up sleepover party on New Year's Eve every year. It's even more fun with a bunch of adults. I highly encourage it - actually I highly encourage anything that might result in hilarity.

Kate said...

Amrita, thanks so much for the "Colors of Friendship Award", and your kind words. It's good to know that, no matter how different we are culturally, we both have appliances that suck.

cinnibonbon said...

LOL..that's so funny!! It's good the sleepover went well. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Maria said...

I am laughing because in our family the expression "pee butt" comes from when my sister's grandson was sent home from school for saying that on the playground. She was scandalized but when she said the words out loud to us at the dinner table, there was a long silence and then we all burst out laughing.

"You are acting like a pee-butt" has become part of our family speak, along with protes (farts) and loodies (breasts).

And it is always the boys....yes?

I Do Logistics... said...

Great recount of great times. Brings back those little memories in all of us I guess. Thanks for the comments. I'll be back soon!

Elizabeth Penmark said...

This brought back fond memories. When I was a kid, I LOVED sleepovers. For our birthday, my mom let my sister and I invite about ten girls for a sleepover. We all put out sleeping bags on the living room floor. I don't know how she did it. Congrats to Nate on his very first one.