Friday, November 30, 2007


This evening, when I picked up the kids from after-school care, Nathan told me that he had had a VERY BAD DAY. I asked him why.

Nate: Well, that dumb C. - the one who's two? I was playing with the Lincoln Logs and C. came over and kicked my house I was making. And then he took one of my Lincoln Logs. So then I smacked it out of-I mean, I asked him politely, "C., may I please have the Lincoln Log?" And you know what he said? He said, "You can just forget about it, you big dipshit!"

Sara: Nate! That is a lie! C. is a baby. He didn't say that to you! He can barely even talk!

Nate: Well, he said it in baby language.

Sara: Oh! And you speak baby language?!

Nate: Yes!

Sara: OK, so what am I saying? "Sjfhiuqlwerglbdcueyrpquyweruy."

Nate: (After a short pause) Fencepost.

Sara: Oh yeah? Well, now what am I saying? "Sisdjhffffferhfzzpeoir."

Nate: Poop dip.

It was all potty talk after that.


Amrita said...

kids say the ---- things

Maria said...

God, that is hilarious. Reminds me of when I used to mouth the word "vacuum" at my little sister and she would say, "I'm telling Mom you said fuck you."

The key is to say it like you really mean it.

cinnibonbon said...

That's too funny. Hey hey I've got my 7 up!!

Anonymous said...

that is funny!

Katherine said...


Fence post??????

The World According To Me said...

Kids say the funniest things!

Elizabeth Penmark said...

Ha! That is hilarious!