Monday, November 12, 2007

Maybe There's a Secret Handshake, Too

I was at the meat counter today, thinking about lamb chops. I have never made them before, and there were none on display. I was just about to ask the butcher when a woman came up and asked about lamb chops herself. I overheard and inserted myself into the conversation. He was telling her that he would cut 6 for her, so I asked him to add another 8 for me.

He went into the back and the woman and I stood side be side for a while. After a bit, I asked, "So, what are you making?"
"Oh, a new recipe I haven't tried before. You rub the lamb with cumin..."
"Mmmm...that sounds good."
"Yes, and then you serve it with couscous and dried cranberries."
"That's funny. That is the identical thing I'm going to do with my la- " We both said, "Cooking Light?" at the same time and then, simultaneously, "Yeah, I have a subscription."

By the way, lamb chops are TINY. Eight of them cost $20. I almost died when I saw the price.


Anonymous said...

wow.... welcome to the lambchop club!! 20 bucks...that sounds like a lot...maybe you should come here...that would seem CHEAP to you!

The World According To Me said...

What a strange and funny coincidence!
The chops were rather pricey though!

Amrita said...

How did they turn out Kate?

Maria said...

Just popping over here before I go to work and wanted to tell you that YES...I DID read "Hitty, Her First Hundred Years and I LOVED IT. Do you know that author? I want to get it for Liv, even though it really isn't her kind of book.

I saw your post in my comments and it was one of those...OH MY GOD YES moments. I LOVED that book.

Maria said... update. The author is Rachel Field and I just ordered it from the public library. I decided not to pursue buying it until I see if Liv likes it. She has never liked many of the books that enthralled me as a child. But...I may just buy this one for myself.
THANK YOU so much for jarring my memory. This book will be fun.

Maria said...

Tell us how the lamb chops turned out. I have never had them but Liv had them at a restaurant and loved them. Maybe you could post the recipe? I LOVED the malt pudding, by the way. It is now a staple in our house.

Kate said...

@jyankee That is scary!

@Amrita I'm going to try the recipe on Friday, so I'll let you know. What's the price of meat like in india?

@Maria: Thanks for the name of that author. I will find it for Sara (and myself). Liv and Sara seem to have similar taste in reading material. I never know what Sara is going to like. Plus, there's a big difference between what she likes to a) read all by herself (a book about the ancient Egyptians at the moment); b) what she reads aloud to us ("On The Banks Of Plum Creek"); c) what she likes us to read to her ("Mossflower", from the "Redwall" series). Liv might like the "Redwall" books, if you haven't tried them.

If the chops are yummy, I'll post the recipe, and the sudden demand for lamb chops nation-wide will mystify the producers.

Diane said...

Kate, dear, I'm a lamb afficionado... and am planning to share an entire beast with a friend this spring. The chops can be small (priciest) or larger (less pricey) - it depends upon where they're cut from.

My favorite lamb seasoning is garlic, and lots of it. And oregano, and a little salt & pepper. Yum. Don't overcook. Invite me over.

Kate said...

Diane: These chops are so tiny that I'm not convinced that I can actually create a meal out of them. However, I do have a boneless leg roast in the freezer. I will cook it for you on any mutually agreed-upon date. Let's play planners later.

Anonymous said...

I'll put in a good word to my sister & see where they're at with their own livestock.

They butchered some of several months ago. 100% open range & drug free!

Shouldn't be too difficult to ship it out to you overnite on dry ice.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm....according to the UPS website, it'd cost $130 to ship 5# lamb chops to you overnite.

Guess $20 aint so bad after all.


Elizabeth Penmark said...

I'm not a big meat eater. Now I'm really glad I'm not. I couldn't afford it!

Kate said...

@ John- Did you know Saltzwedels (sp)? They had a son who was in my grade. At any rate, they raised sheep and Dad used to buy a whole lamb every year. A couple of times (before I understood that we were going to eat it), I even had my picture taken with it. Dad, if you ever read this, that was wierd! It meant, though, that we had chops and roast and rack...and ground lamb, which I love and haven't eaten since I left WI. Your lucky to have a good source!

Unknown said...

Grilled with some fresh dill.
One of the reasons I will forever be a meat eater.

Elizabeth Penmark said...

Kate - when will it get more normal? How long? I'm feeling so lost.