Monday, July 23, 2007


Today was a day in which a lot of things that I thought were neatly fastened in place came undone.

Snap, went my temper. I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for late this afternoon, but this morning I knew I was feeling better and didn't need it after all. [I don't know about you, but I always start to feel better as soon as I call the doctor.] So, I called to cancel the appointment.

At 8:30, the hold-queue was 7 minutes. I decided to try later.
At 11:30, I just got a busy-signal.
At 12:30, the message said that the doctors were at lunch and if it was an emergency I should hang up and dial 911. No way to leave a message.
At 1:30, same thing. Dial 911.
At 2:00, busy signal.
At 2:30, I got a person. I told her that I'd like to cancel my appointment, and she said that would be fine, except I would be billed for it anyway because I need to make a cancellation more than two hours before the appointment.

I let her have it with both barrels. Then I let her supervisor have it, too. They reversed the charges. I got so hot under the collar, I pulled my shirt off and was skwawking at them in my camisole. Quiet day at the office, luckily.

People who know me can say what they like about how "Type A" I am, but hardly anyone sees me lose it, because I almost never do. This was an exception, however. I told Simon about it later and his eyes widened. "You lost your temper?! Like that time with the Maytag call center?!" "Don't worry. It wasn't that bad."

Crackle, went our backpacking plans. Our partners for the King's Peak trip, Jodi and Ralph, are not coming along after all. Jodi is having trouble with her toe. Of course, Simon and I are still going. In fact, we're off to REI tomorrow for the quad map and a water filter (after 20 years of boiling water, we're going to join the ranks of the filterers). New gear! I was upbeat and said that, well, we can take our books and read all we want without having to worry that we're being unsociable... but some of the zip has gone out of the trip. At least temporarily.

Pop, went a tiny but (I suspect) very important muscle in my groin. I was working out at the rec center tonight and was doing that weight machine where you squeeze your legs together, thereby making the inner thigh sleek and toned. I finished and got off the machine and something went "poing". S***. Gingerly, I walked back to the car like a toddler with a full diaper, gradually adding a little more and a little more feels sort of OK now, but something is not quite right. "Well," said Si, "You'll have a clearer picture in the morning." I suspect so. Can't wait.

This post is a little whiny in its tone. I will conclude with some good news. It rained today. The first rain I've seen since early June. Not at my house; but as I driving home, I drove into it on the freeway. It was like a car wash. A deluge for about 200 yards, and then I drove out of it onto completely dry pavement. When they talk about isolated showers out here, they are not kidding.

I'd better surrender this day and go to bed before anything else comes flying off.


Anonymous said...

Definitely not ur day, but u certainly took care of things. Way to go Kate!! yah yah yah!!!

Lillian said...

Yoiks! What a day. I hope everything is A-OK with the muscle (or whatever it was!)

Katherine said...

LOL Oh yes...losing it. And to look so calm in that picture, Kate.... You'd never know there was a raging maniac in there! LMAO

I appreciate stories like these. It makes me feel better when I lose it openly...which I don't think is that often. Or perhaps I am deceiving myself?

I'd really rather blog and write letters, to be honest with you. But sometimes....ya just gotta let them have it!!

Feel better!

Maria said...

I always feel better within an hour after I call the doctor and then once I cancel, all my symptoms come back. My body likes to have fun with me like that. Don Rickles.

And, I LOVED the description of walking to you car like a toddler with a load on. Oh, yes...that gave me a very clear picture!

Angelissima said...

I don't blame you for blowing your stack. How annoying!
That muscle in your groin...I know exactly what you are talking about.
My PT would hold my legs apart and have me try squeeze my knees together (while lying on my back with knees bent...)that little muscle would pop!
and it made my legs the same length again.
Gosh, this sounds weird...heeh.
Its a long story.

Anyway, I hope you'll have better days ahead (and you will)

Evalinn said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and answering my question, I'll be back here to check out more!

Alice Kildaire said...

Ouch! Bless your heart, reading about your day, I kept picturing that cute little mouse in the old Night Before Christmas cartoon that made the clock (that was supposed to make Santa happy) go KER-PLUNK, KER-PLOOEY!! I hope everything returns to it's normal place, especially your groin muscle!

Diane said...

Hmmmm.... most of the doctors that have that policy require 24 hours notice. I hate when they do that. And to not answer the phone so you *can* cancel - the nerve! Hope you feel better today. Or at least by tomorrow. How will you run up and down the stairs with a pulled groin muscle?

Kate said...

Thanks everybody! I felt pretty much fine the next day. I'm generally springy.

Rebecca said...

Hi, Kate. Man, some days are just rough!! I don't blame you at all for loosing it with the doctor's office. Hope your groin was ok for the climb...